Quality Function Deployment.
QFD is an internationally recognized method for analyzing the voice of the customer and developing solutions for new product/service development, business process transformation, strategic development and more.
Now part of the ISO 16355, modern QFD offers lean, agile deployment with powerful front-end analysis for discovering ‘true’ customer needs that helps you identify opportunities for innovation in both products and process. Sound prioritization using AHP and the ability to integrate emotional quality and align project activities with business goals are more reasons why companies prefer modern QFD.
From its early days as a quality assurance tool prior to manufacturing, QFD continues to evolve as a comprehensive system for managing customer requirements (CRM) that is cross-functional and takes into consideration of all stakeholders—toward achieving a common goal of successful projects with customers who happily repurchase and recommend to others.
The QFD Institute is here to support businesses stay competitive by utilizing cutting-edge ISO 16355 QFD tools. Please feel free to contact us on how we may be of help.
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