Many new advancements have been made in QFD over the last few years with the publication of ISO 16355. If it has been more than 18 months since you attended the QFD Green Belt® training, we strongly recommend this half-day, semi-private refresher.

Created in response to students' request to help keep the momentum going, this is a continuing education exclusively for those who have graduated from our QFD Green Belt® training in the past.

Attendees of this refresher will receive the latest version of the QFD Green Belt® training manual and templates, plus ISO 16355 series bibliographic reference papers (e‐Book). Your provisional Green Belt® status will be extended for another eighteen months, making you eligible to enroll in the upcoming QFD Black Belt® training.

You can bring your QFD samples for critique and coaching, or send your questions in advance.

Virtual Public Workshop

September 12, 2025
@ 8:00–12:00 ET (US time)
4 hours x 1 day

PDF Brochure

QFD Green Belt®

Course Details

Please click and expand the panels below. Please contact us if you have questions.

  • Planned for this QFD Green Belt® Update are the following topics:

    • Improved algorithms for defining Customer Needs (Demanded Quality) for "new‐to-world" products and services;

    • Why and how of replacing ordinal scale calculations with AHP-based ratio scale calculations of customer needs priorities, sales point, competitive benchmarking, and matrix relationship weights ‐ to bring your QFD math to Six/Lean Sigma precision;

    • Find out the latest advancements in QFD and new‐to‐world concepts that the QFD Institute brings about through its on‐going research and ISO 16355.

  • This Update will offer those who earned a Provisional QFD Green Belt® in 2021 or earlier:

    • An opportunity to refresh and bring your QFD knowledge and skills up to date;

    • An opportunity to restore your Provisional QFD Green Belt® (which has expired if you attended a QFD Green Belt® more than 18 months ago and did not complete the Full Status review). By attending this Update, your Provisional Status gets reinstated for the next eighteen (18) months, making you eligible to enroll in the upcoming QFD Black Belt® training;

    • Receive the latest edition of the QFD Green Belt® training manual;

    • You might have encountered questions since attending the previous course. This is a good opportunity to get additional directions and semi-private coaching;

  • Prerequisites: Those who have a Full‐status or Provisional QFD Green Belt® Certificate.

    This Update is especially recommended for those who earned a Provisional QFD Green Belt® in 2023 or earlier.

    The time zone will be finalized based on attendee preferences, after we receive your registration form.

  • TWO (2) registration options are available:

    • QFD Green Belt® Update + QFD Black Belt® = US $7,375 per attendee: .

    • QFD Green Belt® Update only = US $1,300 per attendee

    The price includes all training materials, modern QFD templates including modern House of Quality and AHP, case studies, ISO 16355 reference materials (1,000+ page eBook), plus after-class support.

  • Please use one of these methods:

    Within 24 hours of receiving your registration, we will send you an Email Invoice (PDF invoice attached). To make a credit card or wire transfer payment, please use a secure link provided in the invoice email. A receipt confirmation (email) will follow, upon processing of your payment.

    1. Internet connectivity and Zoom account: You will need adequate Internet connectivity and a Zoom account (free), to attend this virtual workshop. Please make the necessary setup and test your device well ahead of time.

    2. A laptop computer with MS Excel® and Adobe Acrobat® reader: For training materials, QFD templates and case studies that you will receive in digital format.

    3. Relevant marketing and technical data for a small project or a part of a large project that you are currently working on or plan to work on in the future.

      Important: There is NO NEED to reveal any confidential data. The goal is to make the QFD exercises real and meaningful to you! If it is not feasible to bring such data, you may join others or use a generic (or hobby) project.

    You will receive detailed instructions on this with your registration receipt/invoice.

Attendees of this refresher will receive the latest version of the QFD Green Belt® training manual and templates, plus ISO 16355 series bibliographic reference papers (e‐Book) and an 12 months extension of the provisional Green Belt® status.

You can bring your QFD samples for critique and coaching, or send your questions in advance.