For product-out projects such as technology-driven products, we use Reverse QFD to first identify key customers and their needs, and then "market-in QFD" to fine tune the product so that it adds value and satisfies important customer needs better than the alternatives.
Autonomous Cars — The only solution to transportation independence?
An Apple a day, keeps competitors away!
Late Steve Jobs embodied intuitive grasp of QFD thinking. Reflecting his April 1989 interview with Inc. magazine, here we highlight his brilliant insights on product, process, and customer that is uniquely his. Good news is, by using modern QFD tools, you can emulate and systematize his intuitive approach beyond a single individual, improving communication, training of new-hires, and long-term integration and adoption in the organization.
QFD Turns Diversity into Corporate Innovation
Diverse organizations are more productive, resilient, and adaptive, mathematical modeling in recent years points out. Here we share an example of "Reverse QFD" application by a major health insurance company in their efforts to do a better job in listening to the voies of already diverse employees and turning them into new products and strategy.